What is Assuro?

Assuro is a platform that allows users to manage and collaborate on bank guarantees, bonds and cash retention.
You can apply for bank guarantees and surety bond facilities directly through the platform.

What’s the costs involved in using the Assuro Platform?

The Assuro Cloud, our management platform, is free to use.  You can manage documents, run reports and receive notifications without entering into a subscription or plan. There are fees associated with applying for bank guarantees and surety bonds through Assuro.

Where is the data stored?

Assuro uses AWS data centres across the Asia pacific southeast region based in Sydney, Australia -read more on this topic here

Is my data secure?

Assuro uses secure servers with encryption over HTTPS to make sure your data is secure.

Who can view documents in my account?

It's completely up to you, you can choose to share documents within your organisation or add collaborators and third parties for drafting new documents - that’s what makes our platform super useful.

Can I export my data?

Yes, you can export your current data using excel or similar spreadsheet software using our CSV template and then upload it to the Assuro platform.

How long will my records be kept by Assuro?

Your records will be kept indefinitely for you to access at any time.

Can I have multiple accounts?

Yes, you can have multiple accounts using different email addresses. You can also have multiple organisations within one account.

I am having issues with the platform - where can I find help?

You can find support pages here in the Assuro help centre or chat with us directly within the app using intercom.